All For The Dogs Rescue
7179 Bowmanville Avenue Hampton, Ontario L0B 1J0
(formerly located at 76 Link Road in Cayuga and in Barrie, Ontario.)

This is Shawn Bacher
The man you are dealing with if you volunteer with this group (Posted by Shawn Bacher on their Instagram Page).
This was his response to the General Manager of HD Mississauga where a planned adoption event was being held. The company asked him to remove their logo as he had no authorization to use it.

What has this monster done to these helpless dogs.......
Another victim of SB and All For The Dogs

Not only was Scarlet a victim of SB but now one of her puppies has been bred to another of SB personal dogs. Poor Athena was not even a year old when he allowed her to get pregnant. This young pup gave birth to 9 puppies, 1 has already died. (Update December 29th a second puppy has died. Again, Matties Place took this girl from the horrific conditions she was living in to give her a soft place to land. SB refused to provide records for all these dogs unless another rescue paid his outstanding vet bill of several thousands of dollars. We all pray this man will not be allowed to ever own a dog, let alone run a puppy mill in the guise of a rescue.

October 2023 UPDATE
Animal Welfare PAWS and Clarington Bylaw have been notified of his new address as well as Durham Police. Two volunteers are helping him, Gail and Jenn are the names we have seen. They continue to join groups to get free dogs. BEWARE and always visit the property before dealing with this group.
October 2023 Shawn Bacher threatens to kill a recently surrendered dog named Teddy. This dog was finally rescued by Matties Place Rescue and is now safe. (Update December 28th: after spending 2 months locked in a filthy dog filled kennel at All For The Dogs it has been determined by assessment and trainers that Teddy is in a frenzy and is a danger to people and dogs. He was humanely euthanized. Please know Matties Place made every effort to save him. They were too late to help him. Matties Place has taken in additional dogs from All For The Dogs. RIP Teddy

Haldiman Press Reports as Volunteers Speak Out Against Local Rescue
AMERIE -Breeding a Traumatized Female Rescue From the United States with her personal German Shepherd Gideon.

DARCY - Was Kept In A Small Crate With An Injured Nose. She was Rescued From AFTDR through another rescue By An adopter under cover! Now With Tyson N Friends an amazing rescue! Thank you Brian for going above and beyond to save her.
Puppies sick with Giardia allowed to play with children and adult volunteers. Giardia is contageous to humans.

* Dogs living in a barn
* Little to no enrichment
* Shut down due to Giardia Ilness
*5 Sick Puppies Removed from their Care and Resulted in a $30,000 Veterinary bill at OVC
*Dogs were not vaccinated until forced under order of Animal Welfare Agents.
* Dogs are not spay/neutered prior to adoption
* Kennels Side by Side Resulting in Fence Fighting
* Must Vacate Property at 76 Links Road by September 2023
* Shawn Bacher refuses to spay/neuter his personal dogs
* 7 of the dogs housed and paid for out of donations by this rescue are personal dogs belonging to Shawn Bacher
The so called "state of the art" facility SB had built just for his dogs. You POS I hope you suffer for all the pain and suffering you caused to these helpless dogs.
Rescue volunteers were in tears as they rescued 17 dogs from this hell hole.

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